Wheat rust disease is a common disease during the cultivation of wheat. It spreads primarily through wind, water droplets, and tools, making it prone to large-scale outbreaks in wheat-growing regions. This can greatly affect the growth and development of wheat, leading to reduced yields and even plant death. Recently, there has been noticeable precipitation in the majority of agricultural areas nationwide, resulting in high field humidity. This favorable environment facilitates the occurrence of diseases such as wheat rust and powdery mildew, early prevention is necessary.
After the jointing stage of wheat, growers can choose to use fungicides, particularly those containing azoles, diluted with water and sprayed evenly for prevention and control. For comprehensive disease control and to promote healthier wheat growth, Brightmart recommends growers to use Leapyra. It has a completely new mode of action, resulting in more comprehensive control effects.
Leapyra (Pyraclostrobin 25% + Fluopyram 25% SC)
Recommended application technique:
Before the occurrence of diseases, spray Leapyra at a rate of 250-300 ml/ha for prevention. During disease outbreaks, it is advisable to use it twice at an interval of 7-10 days to provide long-lasting protection against wheat rust disease, powdery mildew, and other diseases. This promotes robust wheat growth, increases wheat yield, and improves its quality.