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  • Apple, Apricot, Citrus, Lemon, Melons, Peach, Plum, Pomelo, Rice, Taro, Tobacco, Vegetables

  • Pyraclostrobin, oxine-copper

Product Description

Kweizen is a safe and broad spectrum fungicide against both fungi and bacteria.
  • Formulation with scientific ratio helps effective use of chemical compounds. 

  • The product applies to the control of a variety of diseases with the features of broad spectrum, safety to crops, effectiveness against fungi and bacteria. 

  • It has long term effect, redistributing in the presence of rain or water. 

  • It can increase crop yields, improve quality and reduce the occurrence of diseases, and thus make leaves bushy and fruits completely filled. 

Pyraclostrobin 10% 
Oxine-copper 30% 
SC (suspension concentrate)
  • Pyraclostrobin:
    Pyraclostrobin brings many benefits for crops with good preventive, curative and systemic action, including improving physiology, increasing resilience and promoting growth.

  • Oxine-copper:
    Oxine-copper is an organic copper fungicide, which has many action points to kill germs. Germs will not raise resistance after repeated use of oxine-copper. It has efficient prevention and treatment effects on diseases that have become resistant to conventional fungicides
    Oxine-copper has significant killing and inhibitory effects on various diseases of crops caused by fungi and bacteria. It also stimulates the activity of various enzymes in plants, improves photosynthesis, promotes growth, leaves dark green, purifies fruit surface, increases yield and improves quality.

Citrus, lemon and pomelo Canker and Citrus Melanose Spray 700~1,000 times dilution of the product.
Peach, apricot and plum Bacterial shot hole and  
Spray with 1,000~1,500 times dilution.
Pear Fire blight Spray with 1,000~1,500 times dilution. 
Apple Anthrax and leaf blight Spray with 1,000~1,500 times dilution.
Vegetables and melonsBacterial wilt, soft rot disease and angular leaf spot Spray with 1,000~1,500 times dilution. 
RiceBacterial leaf streak and brown spotSpray with 450 ml~750 ml/ha of the product.
Taro and tobacco Black shank and soft rot disease Spray with 1,000~1,500 times dilution.


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Baishi Industrial Zone, Hehe Ave, Genghe Town, Gaoming District, Foshan City, Guangdong, China

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